Monday, March 7, 2016

On My Way

Dear blog readers, happy Women's Day to you! A new abutilon arrival is making me happier every day. This hybrid is yet another step in the direction of the picotee abutilons.

The picotee color scheme is quite but not widely represented in the wild abutilon species such as A. tridens, A. sandwicense, A. ranadei and A. pauciflorum (hulseanum/commutatum). It is also found in some modern abutilon hybrids, such as 'Blushing belle', 'New', 'Solnechnaya dolina' and my very own 'Aquarelle'. However, in the above mentioned hybrids, this quality is still not distinctive enough.

Thus, I'm very happy to get this little beauty. I look forward to watching it grow, hoping it would "stay this way".

I am no botanist, so I just wonder why the 'blush' comes only in pinks and reds, and not in orange and yellow, for instance. Does anyone have an answer?

1 comment:

  1. Lovely!!
    I think I can answer your question about blush being pink and red. It is because blushing happens when a person's cheeks turn color to pink or red!
