Abutilon hybrids Spring 2014
Abutilon x hybridum 'Cold Heart' (Xenia Dyuryagina, 2013) |
Spring 2014 has brought new colors and inspiration into our little abutilon hybrids' world. A new hybrid from a budding abutilon breeder Xenia (Ksenia) Dyuryagina, Izhevsk, Russia surprised us with its abundant blooming and fluorescent color. Its unofficial name - 'Kholodnoe serdtse' (or 'Cold Heart') refers to the flower's whitish throat.
Abutilon x hybridum 'Cold Heart' (Xenia Dyuryagina, 2013) |
This hybrid has stirred much interest even in other potted plants growers and is likely to become a fad.
Abutilon x hybridum 'Lutik' (Elena Glushkova, 2013) |
Meanwhile, Elena Glushkova from Izhevsk has spotted some very promising qualities in her initially seemingly uninteresting hybrid 'Lutik' ('Buttercup'). It turns out, the hybrid is capable of blooming non-stop and so abundantly! This cutie has smallish light-yellow flowers -- but so many!
Abutilon x hybridum 'Lutik' (Elena Glushkova, 2013) |
This abutilon hybrid has been immediately recognized and loved.
Finally, Elena has revealed her latest abutilon hybrid, which she named 'Christmas' due to the time of its blooming. Indeed, it looks very festive with its bright two-colored and well-veined flowers. An abundant bloomer, too!
Abutilon x hybridum 'Christmas' (Elena Glushkova, 2013) |
What a nice present for Christmas it must have been!
Abutilon x hybridum 'Christmas' (Elena Glushkova, 2013) |